Since 2023

Reseach Director, EDOL

The Energy Demand Observatory and Laboratory (EDOL) applies our approaches for understanding energy demand to build on the UCL SERL data.

Since 2020

Department of Engineering Science

Senior Researcher on Energy Demand. Research lead on the Oxford Martin Programme ReNEW.

Since 2017

Oriel College

Tutor for Engineering in Society, which includes Ethics, Finance, Project Management and Risk Management. Senior Member of the Oriel College Boat Club

Since 2015

EPSRC Fellow

Principle Investigator of the METER study on the relationship between household activities and electricity use patterns. Applied award winning innovative approaches to data collection and analysis.

Since 2014

Oxford Energy

Supported Prof Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith in the creation of the Oxford Energy research network, with nearly 200 senior researchers. Deputy Director and Network Lead, convening collaborations and events.


Research fellow

Research on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell systems Advice to Energy and Climate Change Select committee on energy storage.

Since 2013

Energy Programme, ECI Oxford

Research on Highly Distributed Energy Futures and Community Energy.


Energy Futures Lab, Imperial

Award winning team at U.S. DOE H2 contest in Washington


UK Energy Research Centre Studentship

Research on the future role of storage in low carbon systems. Convened workshops and helped to shape policy and research priorities on storage. Organised events for UKERC Early Career research network.


RWE/npower Graduate Challenge

Winner at Wembley Stadium Final. Presented business model for Comprehensive Energy Service Arragments (CESA) to ministers at the Houses of Parliament.


Sustainable Energy Futures MSc

Award winning and interdisciplinary masters course at Imperial College London.


PV development

Innovation in laser manufacturing for photovoltaics as Product Line Manager for the Oerlikon Group.


EUV first

Developed the first 13nm EUV exposure tool for Intel


World cycle trip

10,000 miles around the world.


Laser micro processing

Research assistant for 157nm laser system development


European Business Management, Budapest

Business, management and law at Budapest University of Technology and Economics.


Business Engineering, Wedel

Degree in Business Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences Wedel


Signalman, German navy

Signalman on Minehunter Frankenthal.